Mood-lifters For Monday

over the weekend, i came across two things that have acted as an antidote for the monday blues! 🙂 one is a book, the other a song.

the book is The Arty Farty Party by Pratik Basu – i am only quarter-way through the book so far – and i am loving every bit of it! 🙂 in this tale about a man who makes a career switch to the world of advertising, Basu brings together wicked humour, impeccable language, an intriguing plot and catchy characters. i laughed myself silly last night while reading it – and cant wait for lunch time today to continue! 🙂 go get a copy!

the second is the Why This Kolaveri song, sung by dhanush for his upcoming movie 3. weaving a catchy tune around some very silly-sounding lyrics, newcomer anirudh has created a feet-tapping, head-nodding classic that will lift up your spirits in an instant! 🙂 plus, you cant listen to the lyrics (which includes things like “cow-u cow-u, holy cow-u, i need you here now-u) in a pucca tamil accent – and not break out into giggles! 🙂 im hummin it – and giggling – right now!! 🙂

ciao peeps! have a great week! 🙂

Movie Review: Up In The Air

i have been meaning to watch “up in the air” for a very long time – since the time it was released, actually. it is no secret that i have had a huge crush on george clooney since the first time i laid eyes on him. but that wasn’t the only reason (although it was a big one). this  was the first time i had heard of a movie based on a guy who fires people for a living. (i thought that was pretty cool – maybe i was fishing for a new career choice :p)

so, last night, i finally got round to watching the movie. and i loved it. and thought about it this morning when i was brushing my teeth. if a movie can jerk my thoughts back after a full night’s sleep, it is really good.

george clooney is ryan bingham, a man who fires people for a living. he lives an enchanted life in the business class of airplanes, descending occassionally to hand out pink slips, or deliver guest lectures on the concept of minimising physical and emotional attachments. he lives out of a cabin-size case that has all his needs neatly arranged and packed. he meets alex (vera farmiga), a jet-setting executive on his travels – and their mutual love for flyer miles and hotel stays leads them to a no-strings-attached relationship, based on meetings afforded by common cross-stops in their hectic travel schedule. life is good – very good.

this happy arrangement is threatened by natalie (anna kendrick), a young grad who introduces the concept of firing people through internet conferences, which could save the company several millions of dollars in travel and hotel stays. to save himself from being grounded – which could disrupt his aim of reaching 10 million miles – ryan drags natalie on a whirlwind tour of different cities and companies to show her why the job needs the human presence.

along the way, ryan and natalie come to terms with different aspects of their lives. natalie learns that a cutting professional exterior is not sufficient to fire someone, and also faces a break-up with her boyfriend. ryan realises that he is falling in love with alex, and more importantly, wants a more settled life and relationship. but just as things seem to heading towards a fairy-tale ending, a couple of sharp twists put ryan back in his travel bubble – and he gets his 10 million miles. only this time, it seems less enchanting.

jason reitman has handled the story line expertly, with little time wasted in unnecessary romance or dialogues. the film moves at a comfortable pace, drawing the viewer into the plot with ease, with just enough edge to keep you from drifting. there is no drama in the movie’s most poignant turning points, just excellent acting – and due credit should be given to clooney, farmiga and kendrick for an excellent job. but the most laudable part of the movie is the subtle way in which it touches on some very deep issues – recession, heartbreak and marriage – in a way that is at once moving yet objective. i didn’t cry; but like i said, i did think about it the next morning.

Stone In My Shoe: Kareena Rips Dress

i am starting a new series called “Stone In My Shoe” – this will chronicle things i read online/hard print that are downright silly/preposterous/annoying/etc – and i will share it here so that you can laugh/sigh and shake your head too.

here’s the first from Yahoo Lifestyle:

As far as I know, Roberto Cavalli is one of the greatest designer the world has ever produced. And if you have the guts to rip off his creation, you must be a ‘somebody’. We hear Bollywood babe Kareena Kapoor took up this challenge, while filming a song for her latest movie offering Ra.One.

seriously, even if you are writing trash that qualifies as  b-town gossip, can’t you at least write it well?

firstly, there was no “challenge” calling for “a somebody” to tear a cavalli dress. and i am assuming kareena (or someone) paid for the dress, and didn’t “borrow” it for the day, so isn’t it entirely her decision whether she rips the dress, wears it or allows it to rot in her closet? and frankly, they did such a bad job of tearing the dress that you can see the frayed edges. considering kareena hires manish-millionaire-malhotra as a designer, can’t she get him to do a neat job? but apparently, the rips are a medal of kareena’s daring – for being “a somebody”. i can almost imagine roberto cavalli charging down at her with his shears.

except, i doubt roberto cavalli really cares.

or maybe kareena was trying to be india’s version of kate moss with the dress-ripped-but-made-into-a-new-piece stunt.

but well, that didn’t impress.