Mood-lifters For Monday

over the weekend, i came across two things that have acted as an antidote for the monday blues! 🙂 one is a book, the other a song.

the book is The Arty Farty Party by Pratik Basu – i am only quarter-way through the book so far – and i am loving every bit of it! 🙂 in this tale about a man who makes a career switch to the world of advertising, Basu brings together wicked humour, impeccable language, an intriguing plot and catchy characters. i laughed myself silly last night while reading it – and cant wait for lunch time today to continue! 🙂 go get a copy!

the second is the Why This Kolaveri song, sung by dhanush for his upcoming movie 3. weaving a catchy tune around some very silly-sounding lyrics, newcomer anirudh has created a feet-tapping, head-nodding classic that will lift up your spirits in an instant! 🙂 plus, you cant listen to the lyrics (which includes things like “cow-u cow-u, holy cow-u, i need you here now-u) in a pucca tamil accent – and not break out into giggles! 🙂 im hummin it – and giggling – right now!! 🙂

ciao peeps! have a great week! 🙂

So, what do you think?