
bird on rocks

every one reaches a point in their life when they want to do more than just work, come home, pay bills, eat and sleep – they want to make a difference. they want their words to reach out to the world and spark off something in someone out there, who will one day maybe look back and thank that person for those wise words of wisdom that they randomly penned one fine day.

yeah  right!

ok, that was just a load of nonsense that emerged when i tried to put down the real reason for writing in this blog – and there frankly is none.
i just happen to like writing and since this is a free service, i might as well write.

and if by some one-in-a-million-chance, you are touched/impressed/amazed/ by any of the posts, do leave a comment — every writer lives with the secret hope that someone more than himself/herself likes his/her work.

go on, flatter me! :)

i also blog at:

For The Love Of Food: http://vegefoodie.wordpress.com

The Foodie Eateth: http://thefoodieeateth.wordpress.com

Yamini Vasudevan: http://yamini16.wordpress.com

1 thought on “About

  1. You said it so very aptly. There is always the problem of taking the first step. Yes, I have been inspired by those who are so articulate both verbally and in writing. I suppose, there should be a kind of spontaneity when it comes to such things. Should one wait for it to happen? Or take tottering steps?

So, what do you think?