‘the’ career

as a kid, i always used to wonder what my ‘ideal’ career would be. several things seemed fun back then. i didn’t pursue any of the career paths. but for memory’s sake, i have listed them below (and just in case, in a moment of moronic decision-making, i decide to take up one of them – i have included notes as to why they are not as great after all!):

1. sailor:
why: my dad worked on a ship. and it seemed so cool that he could visit almost every part of the world every few months – without forking out airfare. 
why not: your ‘home’ would be on top of your ‘workplace’. you’re on call 24/7. and forget pretending you cant hear the call – they will come and yank you out of your cabin. the only way out is to jump into the sea.   
2. sports commentator:
why: ringside seats for free (or even if you’re not ringside, you get to watch the game from a room with hi-tech cameras that can ‘see’ the ball better than the players themselves), you can talk non-stop and no one minds. in fact, they pay you for it. 
why not: you need to actually know the ins-and-outs of the game, be well versed in the history of the players, and the history of the previous players as well, and a lot more history about previous games. phew!
3. paparazzi photographer:
why: you can be in the thick of all the action, chase the celebrities and snap their photograph. not everyone can wangle an invitation to the golden globes or oscars – but this way, you can confidently say – “i was this close to george clooney/angeline jolie/will smith/etc” 
why not: too much running around – and the otherwise sugar-sweet celebrities can be maniacs when their make-up is off and a camera is pointed at them. 
4. model:
why: i used to watch miss. universe, and it seemed too easy. all you gotto do is wear nice clothes and walk around. if you win, you get loads of freebies and a crown. 
why not: i love food – and am against dieting or exercise. i would probably fall down dead after the first day if forced into a regime that involves both. 
5. fire-woman:
why: its so cool! you can battle the raging flames, play with water, and even save some people in the process. 
why not: i am scared of lighting my kitchen stove flame sometimes – handling a building on fire can be, well, quite scary!