money matters (it really does!)

in today’s world where self-made millionaires are in their 20-s, i am a poor, financially un-viable soul. heck, i could even make a good case study for management students of just what they dont want to see themselves as! i have a full-time job, but with a huge chunk of it going towards my rent, i am left with a pathetic amount for sustenance, let alone savings! 

so, it comes as a rude shock when i realise that not only am i financially near-broke in the present, i could be much worse off in the future! i can see the financial pundits shaking their head and wagging their fingers at me. 
the best way to handle this would be – ideally – to grit my teeth and save some money and invest it in one of the many plans that bankers have complicated with jargon only they can understand, cross my fingers and hope it wont evaporate in the stock market, and wait – then maybe, when i am closer to 50, i will enough ‘extra-funds’ generated to take a vacation (economy class, mind you!) or even a trip to a spa without having to cut corners on that month’s budget. 
sounds tempting? 
maybe i should settle for the one-dollar ice cream from the nice uncles/aunties with the pushcarts along the road. instant gratification, no guilt!