10 things im loving this moment…

1. candy canes – i LOVE candy canes. they announce Christmas like no other. couple of days back, one of my colleagues gave me a christmas card and a candy cane 🙂 i took my candy cane home last night and ate it after dinner. this morning, when i came to work – guess what! there was another candy cane waiting for me on my desk!!! 😀 one of me other colleagues has gone on leave, and she left hers behind for me cause she knows i love candy canes 🙂

2. christmas cards – they come in all sorts of adorable designs – i have received two this year and when i put them side-by-side, one of my colleagues commented that they look like a dad-and-kid pair cause one is taller and wider than the other 🙂

3. the weather – it has been cool and nice this whole day, and a bit windy as well – nice 🙂

4. i am meeting my friend to go wander around a mall later – and im sure that with the christmas spirit and all, its gonna be awesome 🙂

5. my home – its cosy, comfortable and in a place that has some of the best vegetarian eateries around. what more could i ask for? 🙂

6. my family – they are loving, sweet and caring. i love them 🙂

7. my friends – i have some awesome friends who cheer me up when i am down, support me when i am unsteady and are there through ups and downs. life wouldnt be the same without them 🙂

8. baking – i have discovered a new love for baking and making desserts: the upcoming long weekend will give me more time to make some nice goodies 🙂

9. gifts – some of my colleagues have gone around handing out gifts like santas in disguise; its a nice feeling to be given a gift with my name on it 🙂

10. recipes – i am hopelessly addicted to food-blogs with their delicious photographs and mouth-watering descriptions of food, not to mention recipes that i can actually make. i am storing all those i like in my google documents until i get to make them 🙂