on the oba-ma-nia

everywhere i turn, everyone is (still) talking about obama.

i was at 7-11 yesterday, browsing through the magazines, when the reader’s digest caught my attention. the magazine had the obama family on the front cover, with the feature article on how the obamas raise their kids (and hence, telling us how we should raise ours). on the news last night, there was a segment on how obama slapped off a house-fly that bothered him during an interview. the US president’s attempts to ward off the fly and his oh-so-accurate slap that decapitated the bug was clearly documented, and repeated for the viewer’s benefit. and as if that wasn’t bad enough, the reader crooned over how she found his razor-sharp reflexes so amazing.

so, obama looms larger than life in all possible contexts. he is the ideal man, the leader we all want to look up to, the embodiment of the qualities that we see exemplified in movies that have the ‘US president’ as a major character. i wouldn’t be surprised if marvel comes up with a comic character that is modeled on him.

no, there ain’t no analysis going on here. this is just another instance of how humans always like to overtly praise other humans for no other reason except that they may have more media appearances than the rest of us.

i prefer batman.

p.s. shortly after i wrote this post, there was a news item on a cartoon character modelled on obama, and shown at some dinner graced by the first citizen himself – it was complete with obama at this white house, tearing open his shirt to reveal his superhero costume underneath – and contiuing to save the world. while i pat myself on the back for predicting it, i still stick to bruce wayne as my choice for superhero.