toilet paper woes

not many people seem to realize how important even the simplest of things can make a workplace just ‘that much more’ comfortable – down to the toilet paper. 

i kid you not! until just two days ago, the toilet paper used in my office toilet could have easily sandpapered a wooden table for the final finish – imagine using it in the place…errr…where we use toilet paper! c’est terrible. i remember cringing while using it one day, and sending up a silent prayer to the heavens above – and voila! for once, it was actually heard! now we have nice, soft paper in its place, and i only pray some crazy greek god is not going to reverse my fortunes anytime soon (just for a laugh, or even worse, as a bet).

but coming back to the real issue at hand here – why don’t more people in companies make that teensy extra effort to ensure their staff are well looked after? i mean, why is it not everyone offers a nice coffee maker with ground coffee powder, the loaded pantry, the beautiful spacious cubicles, the two-hour friday lunches, yada yada. i say “not everyone” because i have worked for some amazing companies that do provide such stuff, and some even more amazing bosses who tried to ensure the maximum welfare of their employees. I must have chalked up a lot of bad-employee-karma in my previous lives, that i didn’t manage to stay put in any of those situations. 
*sigh* but i shall hold back from complaining, for i remember a life not too long ago (just about two weeks back actually) when a lot more was taken from me. and just in case zeus is waiting to hear a complaint just so he strike me with his thunderbolt – *BIG GRIN*